Thursday 20 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I am a CHRISTMAS MAN. I love Christmas. Always have done. And since moving to Japan, my Yuletide mania only seems to have gotten worse. Maybe it's as an allergic reaction to the savage hijacking of the Season of Good Will over here, by Mickey Mouse and his cohorts, and wall to wall images of poor Norman Rockwell's Santa manically swigging down bottles of coca cola, but each year, my traditional English Christmas celebrations seem to get bigger and bigger. This year it has extended to making chutneys, mince pies, and even a Christmas pudding. Next year, who knows? Baking a Christmas cake and spending the whole of December in a Father Christmas outfit? Actually, maybe not, that sounds a bit creepy...
Anyway, I always have a go at recording a carol, to help spread a bit of Christmas spirit. This year I've recorded the Romanian carol "Leganelul lui Iisus" or "Jesu's little cradle" by Valentin Teodorian. For any tuba geeks reading, it's also a chance to have a listen to my new YFB-821 in action!
I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a peaceful and nuclear-free New year x

New Release! Shibusashirazu Orchestra

Hello there,
Here's some belated news of my last release of the year, the new album by Shibusashirazu Orchestra, "shibusai kayou taizen". This is an album of great covers, with guest vocalists. Shibusashirazu are most celebrated for their live shows, but I must say, I think this album is bloody fantastic! This is a really diverse collection of music, and the band play really deeply here. I highly recommend checking it out, along with a few late night sakés!
On a personal note, I'd also like to add that I am celebrating 5 years as a member of Shibusashirazu, and this release is a lovely way to mark that milestone!

渋さ知らズ『渋彩歌謡大全』(CD)2012年11月7日発売価格:3,000円(税込)レーベル:徳間ジャパンTKCA-73836≪収録曲≫1. 帰ろかな [Vo:泉邦宏](北島三郎)2. 一週間 [Vo:渡部真一](ロシア民謡)3. 恋は夢いろ [Vo:渚ようこ](西田佐知子)4. Swallowtail Butterfly 〜あいのうた〜(YEN TOWN BAND)5. 黄昏のビギン [Vo:Sandii](水原弘)6. RYDEEN(Yellow Magic Orchestra)7. 夢は夜ひらく [Vo:遠藤ミチロウ](三上寛)8. 渡 [Vo:坂本美雨](渋さ知らズ)9. 黒い花びら [Vo:三上寛](水原弘)10. 悪漢 [Vo:Keyco](渋さ知らズ)11. Ponta De Areia(Wayne Shorter)12. 君は答えよ [Vo:渡部真一](東郷健/薔薇門)※()内はオリジナルアーティスト 〇コメント〇渋さ知らズの初カヴァー・アルバム。ヴォーカリストには、遠藤ミチロウ、三上寛、渚ようこ、Sandii、坂本美雨、Keyco、泉邦宏、渡部真一とジャンルを超えた個性的なアーティストが参加。昭和の名曲から、「Swallowtail Butterfly〜あいのうた〜」まで、渋さ知らズならではの選曲。

ALSO, there's a great opportunity to hear this material live, as we play at Shibuya O-East on January 13th, with the wonderful Chara as special guest.

会場:東京都 渋谷 O-EAST
料金:前売4,000円 当日4,500円

『渋さ知らズ大オーケストラ ワンマンライブ』
2013年1月13日(日)OPEN 17:00 / START 18:00
Hope to see you there! XXXX